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Top 10 Iconic Smiles of All Time

Top 10 Iconic Smiles of All Time

If someone asked you to name the top 10 iconic smiles of all time, who would be a few of the names on your list? Click and see if your names made our list of the Top 10 Iconic Smiles of all time.

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How To Floss Correctly!

How To Floss Correctly!

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Dr. Jim Ellis talks to us about Bruxism. Its a grind!

Dr. Jim Ellis talks to us about Bruxism. Its a grind!

- Dr. Ellis here for Oral Care Club. Today, we're discussing something called bruxism. It's something that you hear a lot of buzz about on the Internet or maybe at your dentist's office or talking ...

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4 Things Teeth Grinding Might Say About You

4 Things Teeth Grinding Might Say About You

Do you often wake up with a dull headache? Does your jaw ever feel sore? Does your partner complain about strange sounds you make during sleep? If you said yes to any of the above, you may be grin...

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Rubbing Whiskey on Teething Baby's Gums - Was Grandma Crazy?

Rubbing Whiskey on Teething Baby's Gums - Was Grandma Crazy?

There is an old wives tale about rubbing whiskey on the gums of teething babies to help soothe the discomfort. Depending on when you were born, your grandmother may have even done this to you when ...

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Whiskey, Alcohol and Your Baby's Teeth?

Whiskey, Alcohol and Your Baby's Teeth?

Dr. Ellis here for Oral Care Club, discussing kind of a funny topic today. There's an old wives' tale out there about rubbing whisky on your baby's gums to stop them from teething. It's kind of an ...

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Alcohol, Drinking, and Your Teeth!

Alcohol, Drinking, and Your Teeth!

Hello, Doctor Ellis for Oral Care Club, discussing alcohol and your teeth and gums. Around this time of year, there's a lot of parties happening, a lot of celebrations, office parties, home parties...

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Is Stem Cell Science On The Cusp of Creating Tooth Farms?

Is Stem Cell Science On The Cusp of Creating Tooth Farms?

There has been a lot of buzz recently about stem cells. Scientists now have the ability to take cells and grow pieces of a human body. These lab grown, but identical to the real thing parts would b...

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What Really is TMJ? (Hint: It's Not What You Think)

What Really is TMJ? (Hint: It's Not What You Think)

  There is a lot of mystery surrounding TMJ. When someone says "I have TMJ" what do they mean? Well, simply saying that you have TMJ doesn't mean anything,  good or bad. TMJ stands for "temporal ma...

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